Why You Should Sing Even Though You Play The Guitar

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I ain’t gonna lie…

I’m not a bad singer…

But I ain’t a great singer either…

In addition,

I ain’t a a bad guitarist…

But I am a long way from being a great guitarist…

I’m just “Alright.”

My guess…

That’s where you are too…

You ain’t great…you ain’t bad…you somewhere in between…

And you are probably a very long way away from greatness…so far away that I wonder if it is even gonna happen for you…

But so what…

I know I ain’t gonna be Luther singing while I do some Jimmy Hendricks licks on guitar.

I know that ain’t gonna happen…

But the nice thing about “Singing and Strumming”

You don’t have to be.

What you are trying to do is create a musical experience…

And when you do both…it is a lot easier…


yep…Let me tell you why…In fact I’m gonna give you 4 reasons why you need to sing along with your strumming…(or strum along with your singing…)

Less Skill Required

Reason number one,

When you are Singing and Strumming…less skill is required than if you did either one by themselves.


Yeah…stick with me…

If you just played the guitar.

You just went up to play…

Folks gonna expect you to do a whole heck of a lot more than just strum some chords…

And if you said you sing…

And you went up to sing…

Folks gonna expect you to do more than just sing along to the melody with little deviation…

But when you put them both together…

Suddenly the same strumming and the same singing are seen as better…

Better than they were independently…

Learning Vocal Harmony

OK, because less skills are required, you can get started earlier.

Now what I need to do now is learn a little harmony vocal.

I started playing with a couple of resources here.

The first is a Bluegrass Vocal harmony CD set.

Yeah…I know….yous ay you don’t sing Harmony…

That’s cool…

But unless you singing some Jazz or complex harmonies….Vocal Harmony is vocal harmony…you singing a 3rd above or a 3rd below the melody note…

Go head and check this out and start working on your ears.

Another CD training is by Susan Anders.

She helps you to work on more complex harmonies than just those that follow the melody line…

Check it out here.

Once I get Vocal Harmony in my tool-belt then I suspect even more doors will open.


When you singing and strumming…

You start playing faster…

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