How Long Does It Take To Play The Harmonica?

“Hey Sherman, I bought a harmonica, and want to know how long before I get good?” Short Answer “I Don’t Know…” What come on man? “OK, 6 months 30 minutes a day…”
On Harmonica, Practice Beats Equipment

Practice beats equipment and it ain’t even close. When I was in my first year of playing, I thought that buying a Hohner Crossover for about 80 bucks would immediately give me the ability to bend notes and have a clear tone. But it didn’t. It did sound better to me, don’t get me wrong, but I […]
How To Play a Single Note on Harmonica

One of the first things you need to do when learning to play the harmonica is play single notes. In fact one of the easiest ways (and I mean relatively easy” to separate yourself from very new players is to learn how to play single notes. I remember just playing some folk tunes and folks […]
4 Phases to Harmonica Improvisation

How do you improvise on the harmonica? Well I am just learning like everybody else, but right now I have four phases. And each phase has a different mindset and different approach. I call it “Listen and the 3 Ps” Listen – Put Music In Your Head OK, the first phase is to listen to […]